AJ Nelson delivers Afrocentric positivity with ‘Africa Rise’ Debut album

Ghanaian Hip-hop, Soul and Afrobeat musician AJ Nelson has a new album — it is called ‘Africa Rise‘. From the pre-release opportunity we got here at TheAfricanDream.net to listen to parts of it, we can confidently conclude that it’s sure to excite eardrums of the woke and lovers of positive music.
This new work of art is definitely here to help boost lyrical positivity in Africa’s hip-hop genre with loads of positive content according to AJ Nelson who released a great compilation in 2015.
Known in private life as Otumfuor Nelson Adjei, AJ Nelson pointed out that he believes, “we have a lot of things to talk about in our music which can cure and eliminate so many negativity in our lives. I’m talking about the music of hope, truth, peace, and love — both as a form of therapy and inspiration that could be exported beyond Ghana.”
Get prepared to be pleasantly impressed by ‘Africa Rise‘ which comes packed with songs urging Africans to rise up and fight for what’s real. “my fans and anyone who listens to the album would be vocal about the woes and the bad leadership demeaning and sinking our beautiful continent,” said AJ Nelson.
So what is special about this 16-track album then? Well, AJ Nelson explained to TheAfricanDream.net that “the work is full of knowledge, courage, and positivity. All these vibes are literally relatable. I totally promise it to be opposite to whatever you are listening to today. All featured acts also bring their A-game, some of who are great acts like Worlasi, Suzzy Blaq, and among others Cheche, who produced and heavily worked on about half the songs on this album.”
Another cool thing about the album is that it promises fans more live performances right off the heels of the album’s release with shows across Ghana and around the world at music festivals. This is a way of selling the energy behind the music to a global audience while selling Ghana as Africa’s next global hub.
If you hear a very close-up and personal tone and feel to AJ’s voice and personality on the album while listening to it then it is because more than half the album was recorded live. “For the first time in my entire career, I also did both singing and rapping on this album, an avenue I’ve always wanted to explore. I think my fans and lovers of Afrocentric hip-hop will surely enjoy ‘Africa Arise,’” the rapper disclosed.

When TheAfricanDream.net asked AJ Nelson to explain the story behind the cover art of ‘Africa Rise‘ he said: “the flock of flying seagulls represent togetherness, peace, love, and unity, with the gold texts representing the wealth of Africa.”
He again explained, “the reason the flock is flying from left to right in the artwork signifies moving forward and at the same time in the right direction. Despite the darkness, they still can see. I want it to symbolize Africa the so-called ‘dark continent’ rising to higher heights because we are responsible for the change we so much crave.”
An album signing has been scheduled for November 23, 2018, at the Dansoman Keep Fit Sports club in Ghana’s capital city of Accra. AJ Nelson said he wants to afford fans an opportunity to meet and interact with him because “I also want to be able to personally sign copies of as many CDs that fans buy. I urge all to come in support of this humble work.”
The rapper who was nominated for Ghana’s 2016 Carnival Ambassador wants music lovers to grab copies of his album on all major online music platforms. Click here to find AJ Nelson on Facebook.
Written by Oral Ofori
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.