Bishop Ebenezer Larbie and Bishop Dr. Daniel M. Antwi Boasiako based in the United States (U.S.) respectively, have said in a conversation with TheAfricanDream.net that #Brexit — the recent breakaway of Britain from the European Union (E.U.) — is a sign of our times as talked about in the Bible’s book of Revelations.
The Bishops were in the Washington D.C. area for a private meeting on the formation of a global body of Christian religious leaders that will cater to the needs of pastors, bishops and church administrators worldwide. They told TheAfricanDream.net that more information will be made available as they and their colleagues begin to iron things out soon.
What the US-based Bishops say of #Brexit
Both religious leaders agreed that Christendom must not be worried or afraid of the series of events that seem to paint a gloomy picture worldwide. “Terrorism, nations rising against nations, market failures, natural disasters and rise in violence are among many of the things that is recounted in the last book of the New Testament by the divine Revelation of John.” — Bishop Antwi Boasiako.
“Make supplications, and give thanks for Kings and all who are in authority. We have been authorized and commissioned by God to pray these prayers. We must pray that like Solomon, they too choose wisdom to rule and judge correctly and be wary of the signs of our times” Bishop Larbie said.
Bishop Larbie stressed that “whatever happens in the wake of #Brexit, we as Christians must not live in fear because it really falls on us to prepare all for the times ahead through our prayers and examples.”
#Brexit or not: keep praying
“My brother has really hit the nail on the head” said Bishop Antwi Boasiako in support of Bishop Larbie. He went on to say “America right now has witnessed a series of very disturbing events that have shaken a lot of people both in and outside the U.S., watch the news and you can see for yourself.”
Bishop Antwi Boasiako, Founder of Power of Faith International Ministry in the state of Ohio said that “all these not withstanding, Christians must stand firm in their resolve. ‘We are the salt of the earth’ as the bible says in Matthew 5:13. Prayer and Obedience is key, therefore fear must not be our portion for when we live in truth we will not fear the end, #Brexit or not.”
#Brexit is a merging of the words Britain and exit to reference events leading to and after the June 23, 2016 referendum held to decide whether the U.K. should leave or remain in the E.U. The U.K. voted to leave by 52% to 48% even though the British Prime Minister David Cameron wanted his country to stay.
Source: Oral Ofori
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.