Tennessee State University continues to make strides as a global institution. In collaboration with the Historically Black College’s (HBCU) African Education Coalition (HAEC), TSU has launched the Ghana Experience program to promote cultural exchange, global awareness, and academic enrichment.
The initiative brought together 60 TSU students and staff who embarked on a transformative journey from June 1-16 to various regions of Ghana, including Accra, Akosombo, Kumasi, and Cape Coast.
Mark Brinkley, who serves as director of International Education in TSU’s Office of International Affairs, explained how the HAEC partnership and the Ghana Experience program align with the university’s mission to provide students with transformative global experiences.
“This unique program will offer an invaluable opportunity for TSU students, faculty, and staff to engage with Ghana’s rich heritage, diverse cultures, and educational landscapes,” Brinkley said.

During the two-week immersive program of cultural exchange, participants engaged in educational seminars, community service projects, interactive workshops, and visits that provided an understanding of Ghana’s history and educational system.
TSUs Chrishonda O’Quinn and Jalen Mask were both Student Logistical Coordinators for this initiative and were selected for the Ghana Experience. O’Quinn, a senior and the newly-elected SGA president, said the study abroad program was a personal cultural awakening for her but also an opportunity to share the importance of education with young girls from the Wesley Girls’ High School in Cape Coast, Ghana.
“This understanding is crucial in shaping your relationships, how you lead, and how you view yourself,” O’Quinn said. “Additionally, it sharpens your cross-cultural communication skills and helps you appreciate the privilege of having access to the resources we have. Giving back to the educational system in Ghana brought me pure joy” said O’Quinn.
Mask, a rising junior, is a biology major and future medical doctor. He said the experience made him passionate about being a contributor to a global society.
“My TSU study abroad experience in Ghana has culminated in a higher sense of self-identity, resilience, and passion for who I am,” Mask said.
“Being immersed in the culture makes me ambitious to continue making a positive difference in this world as a global contributor. Through this opportunity, my horizons have been broadened, and I am eager to continue showing up as my authentic self and defying the odds.”
The Ghana Experience also included other HBCU students and administrators from Clark Atlanta University, North Carolina A&T, Morgan State University, Hampton University, and Howard University.
Building on the success of the Ghana Experience, TSU is set to open a SMART center at St. Martin de Porres, one of the partnering institutions in Accra, Ghana. This initiative marks a significant step in TSU’s commitment to global education and fostering international partnerships.
To learn more about study abroad opportunities at TSU, visit www.tnstate.edu/business/international/.
Source: TSU

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