Jamaican Father-Daughter-Duo Yasus Afari and Mik ready for June 4 single

In the face of the rapid erosion of the family structure in Jamaica and its attached attack against women and children, which strikes at the core of the social fabric, it is a breath of fresh air to witness the very special father-daughter collaboration and combination evident in the synergy between Yasus Afari and his 9-year-old daughter Mikaya, affectionately called Mik.

Interestingly, Mik has been steadily making her very strong presence felt on both Poetry in Motion and the Jamaican Poetry Festival as well as at her Mona Prep school in the island nation of Jamaica. The little girl has graced the pages of Art of Life magazine with her own poems and she recently in February co-hosted the 18th annual Poetry in Motion 2021 held at Manchester Golf Club in Mandeville with her dad.
“She is simply amazing and evidently keeps growing in confidence,” disclosed her father Yasus Afari, originally born John Sinclair who is a renowned Jamaican dub poet and an author.
Plain & Simple
Now, on the heels of those recent developments, Mik is being featured on Yasus’ upcoming single aptly dubbed Plain & Simple. The song deals with a wide and varied range of current social issues facing Jamaica and the international community. TheAfricanDream.net is reliably informed that this single is due for release on June 4th, 2021.
Promoting Jamaican Poetry
Yasus Afari through his SenYAcum Edutainment continues to lead at the forefront of Jamaican and international poetry and is set to present the 11th annual Jamaica Poetry come Festival 2021, in Kingston Jamaica on Sunday, August 8, 2021. Not surprisingly, Mik shall be featured as she keeps rising and shining.
“Numerous local and international icons of our cultural and literary arts and music are already booked for what is poised to be an awesome renewal of Jamaica Poetry Festival,” Yasus revealed. Last year poets from some 10 countries participated in this event which went virtual due to COVID19.
Child’s Month Release
Plain & Simple is being released in Child’s month via Zojak Worldwide and is a very fitting, timely, and refreshing intervention in the cultural and social landscape as humanity navigates a global crisis of historic and unprecedented proportions. This is a great initiative for needed hope and inspiration. To learn more about Yasus and his daughter Mik visit yasusafari.com to keep updated.
Source: Dub Vyjahn Band & SenYAcum Edutainment
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.