Howard University Partners with Google to raise percentage of black computer scientist and engineers

Dr. Anthony K. Wutoh; Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Howard University tells Oral Ofori, Founder of that a new initiative called Howard West (HW) will allow students of the university to study at the headquarters of technology giant Google in mid-2017.
Howard University opened a mini-campus at Google to bring more African-American computer-science students into the technology industry by sending some 25 junior and senior computer-science majors to Google for three months to study at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California.
According to Dr. Wutoh, students in the HW project will learn from employees of Google and Howard faculty as part of the university’s attempts to help establish these students in an industry where black engineers are very few in America.
Research reveals that as at early 2017 only 1%, for example, of the technical engineering staff working at Google are discovered that participants of the HW project will be awarded full scholarships while they pursue the program with the hope of increasing that 1% statistic at Google and in all of the US.
Read another Howard University related story. discovered that participants of the HW project will be awarded full scholarships while they pursue the program with the hope of increasing that 1% statistic at Google and hopefully have it reflect in the US over time.
This is a great opportunity for Howard to, “partner with a high-tech company that has a global brand like Google to give our students the opportunity to be integrated into their program and their facilities, and help make an impact in terms of increasing diversity in information technology” — Dr. Wutoh.
Dr. Wutoh was appointed to his current post at Howard on June 22, 2015, he is originally from Ghana in West Africa and lives with his wife and children in Maryland, USA.
Watch Dr. Wutoh talk about the HW project (from 11th-minute timeline) to Mr. Ofori and other matters in the video interview below conducted early of July 2017.
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.